Monday, October 5, 2009

I hate my body.

Ever since track ended a few moths ago, I became a fat slob over the summer. Everything about me has gone down hill.
I need to fast . And I need to do it right and for real now, I'm done with this.


  1. Hi I like your blog! I would post on your other blog you have but it won't let me comment!

    I don't mean to get in your business since I'm a total stranger but could I suggest something? if your unhappy with yourself not eating for a couple days is not the best way to loose weight, and it's the most miserable, you get headaches and feel hungry. I'd say just exercise and eat. a girl from my school does not eat at all day after day and I've noticed she ALWAYS has headaches and always feels crumby and dizzy and unhappy

    visit my blog? I'd really appreciate it XD

  2. Hi! I like your blog too!
    Well..I'm agree with you: I hate my body.
    My name is Ana, and I'm Spanish...hey! You've got a Spanish fan! :)
    Being a teenager it's horrible, you became fat and there are lots of spots in your face...I hate it!!
